About Delaney

Meet Delaney, a qualified Counsellor and Artist.

Delaney work is imbued with a profound appreciation for softness, beauty, and the honesty found within imperfection. Inspired by the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, her art serves as a testament to the enduring power of remaining soft in a world often defined by harshness.

Guided by a deeply intuitive approach to creation, Delaney finds inspiration in the gentle curves of the feminine form, the majestic presence & song of humpback whales, and the boundless possibilities of abstract expressionism. Through her art, she seeks to weave together these diverse elements, crafting compositions that evoke a sense of grace and serenity.

Central to Delaney’s artistic philosophy is the belief that beauty can emerge from even the deepest wells of pain and suffering. It is this transformative quality that drives her creative process, as she endeavours to translate raw emotions into visual poetry that resonates with viewers on a profound level.

In each brushstroke and every carefully curated colour palette, Delaney invites the viewer to immerse themselves in a world where softness reigns supreme—a world where vulnerability is celebrated as a source of strength, and imperfection is cherished as a testament to the richness of the human experience.

Through her art, Delaney Cheal endeavors to create not only visually captivating pieces but also a sense of connection and introspection—a reminder that when tenderness gets to heavy to hold, we can use it to water the earth & everything in it.

“It is not your job to remain whole. We came to lose our leaves like the trees, and be born again, drawing up from the great roots.”

Robert Bly

‘Follow your curiosity and your path with reveal itself.’

In addition to her 1:1 Counselling work, Delaney runs online groups for creatives. These gatherings are designed to help fellow artists overcome blocks and limiting beliefs, empowering them to wholeheartedly embrace and pursue their dreams.

Whether guiding individuals through the realms of personal healing or fostering creative communities, Delaney's approach is grounded in compassion. She believes in the power of authenticity and is committed to being a supportive companion on the transformative journeys of those she works with.

Thank you for hearing me and making me feel comfortable enough to share what I’ve struggled with for a while. I don’t think you understand how much of an impact that had on me.

Anna, Teacher

“I recently had a one on one creative counselling session with Delaney and it was incredible. I reached out to Delaney after feeling unsure about my creative journey and like I'd lost my inner passion. She was compassionate, encouraging, relatable and such a great listener. I finished our session feeling light, knowing that I had finally spoken about a lot of things that were stuck in my mind. Delaney helped me figure out my next steps and gave me the encouragement to achieve them. I can't wait to keep working with her in the future”.

Jordja, Photographer

What others are saying

  • Your course is amazing! If you could market this to the masses, you would retire in 12 months! There is so much valuable info in it. If I hadn't have done this, I think I would have given up on the idea of selling my art/becoming a fully fledged 'artist' ... it seemed all too hard ... I now know it isn't just a piped dream, it is actually becoming a reality ... and all I ever need is the very next step! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding me towards living my dream, I have no words to express my deep gratitude. With thanks always,

    Michelle, Accountant/Artist.

  • Thank you so much Delaney for being a wonderful mentor. The Course was amazing. It was all I expected and more. Definitely helping me achieve more valuable knowledge, focus, direction, and clarity to help me with my creative future. I am grateful.

    Liza, Business Owner/Artist.

  • Thank you very much for putting your heart and soul into this course!!

    Zoe, School Teacher. Studying Art Therapist.

Books I love, that have shaped my approach to life and healing…

  • Lost Connections - Johann Hari

  • Wild Mind - Bill Plotkin

  • You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting For - Richard Shwartz

  • The Smell of Rain on Dust - Martin Prechtel

  • David Whyte - Constellations

  • Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

  • War Of Art - Steven Pressfield

  • Anam Cara - John O’Donohue

Qualifications & Experience

Kundalini Yoga Teaching Training
Level 1
Guru Dass

Qualified Counsellor
with the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors.

Level 1 Zen Thai Massage
10 years experience in bodywork & massage.

Connect with me and follow my explorations on instagram.